A good financial education will enable a person to spend their money without problems. For this, it is necessary to teach them to save and not need help from third parties to pay off debts.
The lack of financial education can bring both financial and emotional problems, as the lack of it brings feelings of inferiority and insecurity in the face of other people who are financially well-off.
The person feels left out for not having money and sometimes feels that only money makes them important. That without it, people do not miss them or have the desire to have them around.
Being financially educated is to plan life and achieve what one desires with awareness and pleasure. Knowing how to spend money without compromising titles and savings. It is not worrying about money. Identify and seize opportunities that arise. Make low-risk investments (since there are no 100% safe investments).
To start a business, for example, it is necessary to have some knowledge of financial mathematics in order to manage the business and have control over expenses and income.